Behavior-based theories are one-on-one focused relationships; they can be either task- or relationship- oriented. Two major schools of thought are path-goal leadership theory and leader member exchange theory (LMX). Path-goal leadership demonstrates how a leader can motivate their follower to achieve a certain task or end result. The interactions are based on an expected outcome. In this theory, a leader will provide support by clarifying goals, removing potential obstacles, and assisting when necessary. LMX theory is more relationship-focused where the leaders and follower connection evolves through interactions. There are three phases that the relationship can follow starting at Stranger (phase one) where there is low quality interaction, no trust, and followers are motivated by some outside factor. Next, leaders and followers become Acquaintances (phase two). This involves an average quality where they get to know each other and test the boundaries of their relationship. The highest phase of the relationship is Partnership, where each member has mutual influence on each other. Each person is motivated by the other and the exchanges are very high quality. Ideally, all relationships would progress to this phase, but there are many leaders who prefer to stay at lower levels to maintain control and dominance.
The Harry Potter series offered many opportunities to observe both of these theories in action.
Professor Dumbledore, the Headmaster of Hogwarts School, demonstrates a path-goal leadership interaction with the main character, Harry Potter. The overarching goal for the duo, is to find and destroy all of Lord Voldemort's horcruxes. These objects allow Lord Voldemort immortality, therefore in order to defeat him Harry must find and locate all of the horcruxes and destroy them if he wants to conquer Voldemort and his Death Eaters. Professor Dumbledore supports Harry by showing him memories that give hints and clues to objects that Voldemort may have used for a horcrux. He never gives Harry any answers directly. He shows Harry what signs to look for, and how he has found one horcrux himself. Once, Professor Dumbledore takes Harry with him when he locates on horcrux. His behaviors help give Harry guidance on how he will find future objects. Unfortunately, Professor Dumbledore is killed at the end of the sixth book, shortly after Harry and him return from finding one of Voldemort's horcruxes. Harry is still supported by Professor Dumbledore in his journey through tools left to him and his two friends in Dumbledore's will. Professor Dumbledore has also give tools to other leaders in the Wizarding world who can continue to assist until the final goal is completed. It is only after Professor Dumbledore's death that Harry realizes he never new him on a personal level. A majority of their one-on-one interactions were solely focused on learning about, finding, and destroying horcruxes.
Lord Voldemort, who is the most powerful dark wizard in the series, can be used to observe LMX theory. Due to his lack of relationships, we can see how his leadership is undermined by those he should rely on. Death Eaters are the wizards who support and follow Lord Voldemort, although none of them can be said to have a phase three Partnership with him. However, this is based upon the fact that Lord Voldemort sees use for his Death Eaters, but he would never think any other wizard would be able to provide anything that is mutually beneficial. The only Death Eater who gets close to this phase is Professor Snape. Lord Voldemort trusts him enough to place him among enemy territory as a spy on Harry Potter, Professor Dumbledore, and the Order of the Phoenix*. Professor Snape in Voldemort's informant into everything relating to Harry Potter. Although, Lord Voldemort does use a type of magic called Legilimency to enter Professor Snape's mind to see if he is lying. There is not full trust from Voldemort's side. The interaction between Lord Voldemort and Peter Pettigrew is an example of phase one Stranger interaction. Pettigrew is a weak person who seeks out Lord Voldemort as a source of protection and power. He obeys Lord Voldemort's orders based on fear. Lord Voldemort is merciless to him and exerts his power over him even forcing Pettigrew to cut of his own hand. Lord Voldemort only relies on Pettigrew for a short time, while Pettigrew is helping him to gain his body back which he had lost years ago when he first tried to kill Harry Potter.
I could go on and on with examples but I think that each of these leaders demonstrate how behavior-based theories can be linked to specific actions. Traits are not the only indicator of a good leader.
"It is our choices...that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities."
-Professor Albus Dumbledore
I love that you used Harry Potter to give these examples. That is something that I didn't think about, but you gave excellent examples of Path-Goal Theory vs. LMX. At first I was confused by which one represented Dumbledore and Lord Voldemort, but after reading them it makes a lot of sense. Voldemort, at times not being able to achieve the goal on his own, has to use his relationships to make others do the evil bidding for him.